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Museum Operations Internship Positions:

Click on each position to learn more about position details, descriptions, and eligibility requirements!
Please note that these descriptions are not all-encompassing - click each position for more in-depth details.

Museum Operations Internships

- Dive Operations - NEAq’s Dive Ops Internship is an educational opportunity for an individual to work alongside the Dive operations team who aspires to become a dive professional through an aquarium, university, or research vessel.. Interns are responsible for assisting in all aspects of dive operations through hands-on training above and below the water.

Marketing and Communications - Marketing and Communications Interns work with our Marketing Department, assisting with daily operations and marketing projects. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Volunteer Programming - Volunteer Programming Interns work with our Office of Volunteer Programming and Internships, helping to manage and support our ~1,400 active volunteers and interns. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Development/Board and Donor Engagement Intern- Development and Grant Writing Interns work with our Development Department, learning about grant-writing and fundraising within a non-profit/museum setting. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Human Resources: Human Resources Interns work with our Human Resources Department, assisting with daily operations related to hiring, as well as providing support for current staff. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Audio/ Visual Technology- Audio/Visual Technology Interns work with our IT Department, assisting with daily operations related to a wide variety of presentation-based needs, including troubleshooting exhibit spaces, presentation spaces, and events. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Information Technology- Information Technology Interns work with our IT Department, assisting with daily operations related to building technology, assisting with maintaining our Help Desk as well as providing both hardware and software based support. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Event Planning and Coordination- Event Planning Interns work with our Events Department, assisting with daily operations related to planning and hosting Aquarium events, both internal and external. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- External Relations - External Relations Interns will work with department staff to establish, maintain and grow relationships with important outside organziations in an effort to build coalitions, advance our policy priorities and steward corporate supporters of the Aquarium. Click to learn more about other duties and responsibilities! 

- Marine Conservation Action Fund Social Media -The Marine Conservation Action Fund (MCAF), a program of the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, is seeking an organized volunteer to assist in social media and graphic design assistance for one of our internationally-based MCAF Fellows. The ideal candidate will have excellent social media skills, and be competent in Spanish to prepare social media content for Spanish speaking audiences on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A candidate who has had some experience with or understanding of strategy around promoting non-profit organizations via social media would be highly preferred. Clikc to learn more about other duties and responsibilities!

Thank you for your service!

New England Aquarium

1 Central Wharf , Boston, MA 02110 
HandsOn Connect

©2017 New England Aquarium,  an affiliate of the HandsOn Connect, 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 | 617 - 973 - 5200

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