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Years of Service Awards are granted to our volunteers and interns based on the total number of years they have been a volunteer at the Aquarium.

These are the Years of Service Award winners of 2016:

5+ Years of Service:

Ann Ambiel
Arturo Gossage
Carla Melucci
Carol Vifquain (Halstead)
Carolyn Weber
Catrina Lopes
Charles Benoit
Chelsea Preston
Daire Gaj
Dan Crear
Danny Byrd
Dave Novak
David Allen
David Bazilchuk
David Tomey
Debra Robbins
Don Campbell
Don Pinkerton
Elias Earls
Emily Goczalk
Emily Serson
Erin McLean
Erin Weber
Goldie Freeman
Ira Goldklang
Jen Woods
Jess Ahearn
Jess Duncan - Groeneweg
John Keefe
Jordan Depenbrock
Julie Cavin
Kaitlyn Explosion
Kajal Patel
Katie Fornaro
Keegan Willette
Kimberly Usseglio
Kristin Feeley
Kristina Williams
Marie Allen
Mary Craig
Meghan-Elizabeth Foster
Robi Zallen
Sarah Buttermore
Sarah Oakley
Sarah Oktay
Shirley Fragata
Steve Spina
Tricia Rogers

10+ Years of Service:
Donna Paterson
Elise Blanken
Franco Lichauco
Franki Vetrano-Olsen
Jo-An Heileman
Kathy Gorman
Ken Furuyama
Sarah Capozzoli
Ulrika Malone

15+ Years of Service:
Alicia Lenci
Amy Rogers
Larry Vifquain

20+ Years of Service:

Sandi Birdsall - 20 Years
Wilson Menashi - 21 Years
Jerry Campbell - 21 Years
Dianne DeLucia - 21 Years
Mark Murray - 22 Years
Eleanor Davison - 25 Years
Richard Ayache - 25 Years
Terry Rogers - 26 Years
Bill McWeeny - 26 Years
Ken Lubar - 27 Years
Noel Jette - 27 Years
Ronald Watson - 36 Years
Susie Buttrick - 47 Years

Thank you for your service!

New England Aquarium

1 Central Wharf , Boston, MA 02110 
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