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Aquarist Volunteer

Assist staff Aquarists with animal husbandry responsibilities of the New England Aquarium's exhibits, including feeding of fish, maintaining aquarium systems and other routine duties related to animal care.


Time Commitment:

One full day (8:00 am. - 6:00 p.m.) per week for a period of 6 months

Placements include:

  • Temperate Gallery- Work within one of our most diverse galleries, with species like our Sea Dragons and our Goliath Groupers!
  • Freshwater Gallery- Work within our only freshwater exhibit, with species like our Electric Eel, Piranhas, and a variety of reptiles and amphibians!
  • Cold Marine Gallery - Work with our deep water species, like our Giant Pacific Octopus, Goosefish, and Atlantic Cod!
  • Tropical Gallery- Work within our warmest gallery, working with species like clownfish, lionfish, cuttlefish, and more!
  • Yawkey Gallery - Work with our Coral Reef Gallery, learning about Coral Reefs and their inhabitants!
  • Interactive Exhibits - Work with our shark and ray touch tank and surrounding exhibits!
  • Changing Exhibits- Work with our larval fish exhibit, shorebirds, jellies, and more!



  • Daily care, maintenance and appearance of gallery including food preparation and feeding.
  • Take and record temperatures.
  • Observe fish and report unusual behaviors.
  • Siphon tanks, wash sand and clean filters.
  • Special projects as needed, which may include library research, net repair and exhibit building.



  • Biology, marine science or animal science experience preferred.
  • Previous experience with animals desired.
  • This position requires physical labor.
  • Applicant must be able to lift 50 pounds.
  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • We also strongly recommend having a waterproof watch for this position.



For first time applicants, make sure to register an account here, then click "Submit an Application" in the menu bar. If you already have an account, log in and click "Submit an Application"!

Thank you for your service!

New England Aquarium

1 Central Wharf , Boston, MA 02110 
HandsOn Connect

©2017 New England Aquarium,  an affiliate of the HandsOn Connect, 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 | 617 - 973 - 5200

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